Candidate Discipline List

In this guide we show you how to manage your candidate discipline list.

Each candidate profile must have at least one discipline assigned, for example Plumber or Electrician. Your temp and perm job profiles also require a discipline to be assigned.

When creating or updating a candidate profile, the assigned discipline must be selected from the list of disciplines available in this list.

Navigate to Admin->Settings then select the Lists Tab.

The Admin Area is only accessible if your user account has been granted the Administrator permission.

Add Discipline

When you begin adding candidates to KISREC, the total number of candidates for each discipline will be displayed.

Edit Discipline

Delete Discipline

It is not possible to delete a discipline when there are candidates or jobs that have the discipline assigned.

Bulk Discipline Update

You may at some point have a need to reassign candidates and jobs from one discipline to another.

For example, you may have two very similar disciplines like Bricklayer and Brick Layer. You may want to reassign all candidates and jobs with Brick Layer to Bricklayer so that you can delete Brick Layer.

If the disciplines have been assigned to many candidates and jobs, it would be a long and monotonous task to update each profile individually. For this reason we have created the bulk update utility.

You will need to confirm that you are sure before the process begins..

Use With Caution

Bulk updates are are not reversible. It is your responsibility to ensure you do this correctly. Please get in touch if you need any assistance using this utility.

Last updated