Batch Email

In this guide we'll be going through the steps of sending a candidate batch email.

Before sending batch emails, please ensure you have read our Anti-Spam Guide.

Follow the Candidate Advanced Search guide to find the candidate's you would like to contact.

Select the Email option from the Send Batch button menu.

1. Select Candidate's

Step 1 - Select Candidate's

The first step shows a list of candidate's that were found using the Candidate Smart Search.

Review the list to ensure only the candidate's you want to include in the batch email are selected.

By default, candidate's that are currently placed, shortlisted or in the Perm Pipeline are not selected.

Press thebutton to move to the next step.

2. Compose Email

Step 2 - Compose Email

Here you can compose the content of your email. You may also add file attachments if needed

The [%CANDIDATE_NAME%] text is a place holder. This text will be replaced with the candidate's full name when the email is sent. Read the email templates guide for more information.

Press thebutton to move to the final step.

3. Send Email

Step 3 - Send Email

The final step allow you to review the email content and check any attachments before sending the batch email.

If you need to amend the email content or change the selected candidate's, you can go back to the previous steps to make the required changes.

Press thebutton the send the batch email.

Last updated