Manage Registration Forms

In this guide we'll be showing you how to manage and confirm your candidate registration forms.

When you send registration forms to your candidate's, they will appear in the manage registration forms area.

Here you can delete, resend and confirm the registrations forms.

Navigate to Manage->Registration Forms

Delete Registration Form

Registration forms can be safely deleted. The candidate's existing profile will be unaffected.

Confirm Registration Form

To confirm a completed registration form you must first review the information that was submitted by the candidate.

Scroll down the page to review all the submitted information as well as any documents that have been uploaded.

You may find that the candidate has not submitted some required information or a required document may be missing, in this case you could resent the registration form or contact the candidate directly.

If you resend a registration form, the candidate will not need to re-enter the information they have already submitted.

Confirming the registration form will overwrite the current information in the candidate profile, such as their name, address, email etc.

Additional information such as their national insurance number, bank details etc will be added to their profile and any documents that were uploaded will also be copied into the documents section.

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